Posts on Faith

5 Scriptures For Your Weary Heart

I don’t know about you, but I’m emotionally spent. These past few weeks have been very taxing on my heart and mind. I keep feeling God nudging me to rest, but feel like there isn’t time to relax. It’s a crucial habit to cultivate, but one we often neglect. When burdens are heavy Sometimes the…

You Need to Stop Stressing

Beauty and pain play tug of war. Life can be so beautiful and so terrifying at the same time. I’m often amazed at how well we all cope with the ups and downs this world has to offer. Some things seem so trivial compared to the monumental things we deal with. One moment we are…

What the Cross Means for My Marriage

Sometimes making people happy is easy. The other night I brought Kyle home a cookie that I grabbed while I was out with a couple friends. He was thrilled. More thrilled than I expected. It was easy. He was happy. But it got me thinking . . . is giving as sweet if it doesn’t…

Are We Still In Love?

When we imagine of romance and love, we usually conjure up images of walks along the beach, candle lit dinners, or cuddling by the fireplace. I’ve experienced zero of these scenarios in recent history. We don’t have time for any of that right now. Our lives are more busy than ever, and there is no…

When You Hate Yourself

I spend way too much time thinking about all of the things I dislike about myself. It takes up so much mental energy and leaves me feeling frustrated and depressed. It’s pretty selfish if you think about it. Who am I to be so critical? I am made in God’s image so isn’t that enough…

Reminding Your Spouse that God Is Faithful

Life can be overwhelming. We have recently added four extra kids to our household. My sweet nieces are here while their parents get some things sorted out and settled. This has been a huge change for everyone involved, and has made it challenging to get much done other than cooking and cleaning. We are happy…

Thankfulness Has Nothing to Do With Your Situation

The scariest part about being diagnosed with a brain tumor was the not knowing—having such scary possibilities. As soon as I caught my breath, and was finally able to say something, I asked the doctor “Is it dangerous?” He said, “I can’t make you any guarantees. We just don’t know yet.” We just don’t know…