3 Reasons to See the Good in Your Husband

Marriage Tayler Beede October 17, 2013

When Kyle does something that makes me angry, I instantly start looking for all of the recent things he’s done to upset me—even if they didn’t upset me at the time. They all start to stir up inside me, and I get more and more bitter by the second.

However, it works the other way around, too.

The other morning I was laying in bed and heard dishes clanging around in the kitchen—at 6 a.m. At first it frightened me a bit, and then I realized that Kyle had already gotten up. He knew I wasn’t feeling well, and wanted to get things tidied up before he left for the day. It’s simple acts of kindness like that—the ones that come at such a surprise—that really help you see the good in your spouse.

This got me thinking about all of the reasons I love him. When I choose to see the good, even on days when he isn’t so cheery and helpful, it changes things. Here are a few ways that seeing the good in your husband will greatly impact your marriage:

1. You’ll appreciate him more

When you start to think about the things you love about your husband, rather than the things you hate, the things you hate start to fade away a little bit. You remember why you fell in love with him in the first place. You count your blessings. You thank God for him. You look at him and he seems even more handsome and wonderful. Focus on the good, and you’ll see the good.

2. You’ll help him see the good in himself

Don’t just see the good, but tell him about it! Tell him how proud you are, how thankful you are, how much you love him. You might not realize it, and it might not even seem like it, but it does bless him when you build him up. Your words matter more than any other person’s words. Use that power to boost his self-esteem, and to help him realize that you really do appreciate the things he does for you, even if you don’t always seem like it.

3. You’ll strive to love him better

When you see the good in your husband, you’re more likely to return the favor. You want to serve him, to build him up, to cheer him on. When I actively work to see my husband’s strengths, I find myself going the extra mile to make him happy. See the good in your husband, and give him reasons to see how much you love him.

Your husband isn’t perfect, and he is going to fail you. But you’ll fail him too. Choose to see the good despite the bad.

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