A Prayer for Hurting Marriages

Faith / Marriage Michelle Lindsey August 12, 2015

A prayer for hurting marriagesDear Father,

You are so good to us. Thank You for being faithful to us—even when we aren’t faithful to You. Thank You for holding us near to You—even in the most difficult seasons. I know it’s easy for us to feel alone here on this earthly journey. But Your Word tells us we are not alone, and that we can rest knowing You will never leave us.

I pray for today’s hurting marriages. I’ve heard from many people who don’t know where to turn or who to look to for the very real help they need. I’m at loss for words at times, but I know you care about us and our marriages. You were there in the beginning, when we were starry-eyed and hope-filled, and You are here now, when our heads are bent, and souls ache from the pain of it all. You have given us the gift of each other, and yet we take it for granted. So I ask first of all that You would show us how to be grateful for each other, and most of all, for You.

Make forgiveness a part of our daily lives. We know we can forgive because we have been forgiven of much. When we speak harshly, or sin against each other, help us to confess sincerely. Your great love allows us to be gently with each other as we stumble and fall. Let us be slow to anger and keep us from placing blame elsewhere. Show us where our own hearts need healing and sanctifying. Surround our homes with your grace and infuse us with the tenderness it takes to love each other well.

I pray specifically for marriages that are in dire circumstances. Sometimes it seems too far gone—too hopeless—but we have to remember how big You are. We have to remember Your promises to us. Instead of running and looking for temporary comfort and shallow solutions, let us trust that You can and do make things better. Let us look past the very present troubles and surround us with your peace. Remind us to have an eternal perspective. You have such a glorious ending in store for us, but all we can seem to focus on are the problems right in front of us.

We know there is an enemy that seeks to destroy us. He wants us to suffer, to fail, and to give up. He lies to us and tells us to seek help in places that only hurt us. Protect us from satan and his schemes. Reveal his snares and traps, and walk with us when we fear everything around us. Help us to call out to You instead of chasing after vanishing things. Stand our feet firm, set our hearts straight, and lift our eyes to to You. Let the cares of this world fade in comparison to your beauty and love. Nothing can satisfy like You can. Nothing.

You are great.

You are faithful.

You are gracious.

You will never leave us.

You have us wrapped in your arms, and your mercy is boundless.

Our eternity is secure.

You are Sovereign, and we can trust you because you love us so much.

I lift up these frail and weak husbands and wives who feel so helpless right now. Thank you for giving me the privilege to share in the stories of your people. I am overwhelmed by the mountains that need to be moved, but You are enough. Only you can take our tangled messes and make something beautiful and lasting.

May our marriages reflect Your great, great love for us.

In Jesus’ Name,