5 Scriptures For Your Weary Heart

I don’t know about you, but I’m emotionally spent. These past few weeks have been very taxing on my heart and mind. I keep feeling God nudging me to rest, but feel like there isn’t time to relax. It’s a crucial habit to cultivate, but one we often neglect. When burdens are heavy Sometimes the…

Never (Ever) Bring This to Bed with You

It’s the ultimate buzz-kill. A tiny chastity belt. A downer. A fun-ruiner. A zombie-maker. Seriously. How many times have you laid in bed at the end of the day, mindlessly pinning on Pinterest or scrolling through Instagram on your phone? If you’re like me, maybe you have no idea how many times—a lot of times,…

When You Speak Different Languages

I have finally realized that my husband shows affection differently than what I imagined it would look like. He isn’t constantly hugging me and kissing me. He doesn’t shower me with compliments. In fact, some of those things are a bit difficult for him to do. This can be frustrating for a wife who needs…

A Prayer for Brides

Today my dear childhood friend, Kimmie, get’s married. Last night it got me thinking back to all the feelings surrounding that day. The comments, the emotions, the advice, the mishaps, the excitement, the nervousness, the thankfulness. And I could go on and on. But today I’d like to pray for her and every bride or…

You Need to Stop Stressing

Beauty and pain play tug of war. Life can be so beautiful and so terrifying at the same time. I’m often amazed at how well we all cope with the ups and downs this world has to offer. Some things seem so trivial compared to the monumental things we deal with. One moment we are…

Why I Talk to Myself (And Why You Should Too)

A few Fridays ago it was creeping up my throat. Sweet, sweet anxiety. It was looking like we’d have to move. I’d grown to love our little condo so much. It’s bright, cheery, and nearly roomy for the two of us. And the owners were probably selling it. I’d have to pack up all our…

Moms: You Can’t Be Everything to Everyone

Motherhood is not an easy task. When you hear the term, “nitty gritty,” motherhood easily comes to mind. Being a mother is a whirlwind of joy and heartache that exhilarates and exhausts. Sometimes the intensity of that love is even overwhelming. In that first moment, when you look that child in the eyes, mountains could…