Today marks three years with the incredible man I get to call my husband. It hasn’t been a particular easy three years, but I’m so thankful to have spent them with him. So today I dedicate this blog post to Kyle . . . Dear Kyle, I look back at pictures, at our starry-eyed 16-year-old…
Posts by Tayler Beede
I’ll never forget that dark, cold ultrasound room. The teary-eyed, compassionate radiologist. The look of pity in her eyes as she told us that our 10-week-old baby was no longer alive. My midwife told me she was so sorry, and hung up the phone. And so began the hardest week of my life. A week…
When I was engaged and newly married, I heard the classic “just wait . . .” statements a lot. “Just wait until you see what it’s really like to be married.” “Just wait until the honeymoon stage ends.” “Just wait until you have kids.” “Just wait until you get sick of each other.” It was…
After my mom’s recent post on diffusing a fight, I got to thinking about things I’ve learned from our arguments over the past few years. Both Kyle and I tend to get grumpiest when we’re stressed. That’s generally when small things appear big, we make a big deal out of things that aren’t, and arguments are…
I still remember one of our first arguments as newlyweds. “Kyle, the toilet is gross. Once the ring shows up, it means you waited too long to clean it. And I shouldn’t be the only one to do that.” “Wait, the ring means it’s dirty? I thought that’s just how our toilet was.” That meant…
For most of our engagement, Kyle was working the 4 a.m. to 12 p.m. shift at JCPenny, going to school in the afternoon, and attending Fire Academy from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. He would then proceed to do the 40-minute drive home, do homework, and get up and do it all again the next…
Before Kyle and I got married, we read through The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller. I read, reread, highlighted, and tried to store things in the back of my mind as best I could. But now that we’re nearly three years in, I’m reading it again, and it hits home even more than before.…
Heart pounding, hands shaking, I laid in bed–unable to sleep. I had read an article that freaked me out. Medical-related, as usual. I deal with severe panic attacks, and they usually present themselves quickly, out of no where. In 2013 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and had it removed—all in the span of…
Lately I’m just tired. All the time. It takes every bit of my energy to get things done at work, and by the time I get home I’m beyond worn out. The thought of cooking, or cleaning, or adding one more thing to my plate, makes me want to cry. And sometimes, I do. Even…
This summer we decided to get our little mini aussie puppy. It stressed me out BEYOND belief. Like, seriously people. I stressed out more about getting baby Oakley than I stressed about brain surgery. Seeing that little six-pound puppy running around our house (whom I couldn’t control) nearly made me go crazy. Fast forward seven…